
Effortlessly schedule interviews

With our interview scheduling functionality, hiring managers and recruiters can quickly extend interview invitations and allow applicants to select time slots based on the interviewer’s availability. This minimizes manual and time-consuming efforts, allowing your hiring team to sync to their calendar, provide availability, and manage cancellations/reschedules — without back-and-forth phone calls and voicemails.

  • Manager calendar sync
  • Applicant self-service scheduling link
  • Automated notifications for applicant and manager
  • Configurable invitation templates

Deliver an outstanding applicant experience

Quick and Easy

Speed Wins

With a fast, frictionless application process, you’ll be able to boost applicant flow and decrease drop-offs, helping you find the best candidate for your hourly positions — fast.

Save Time and Energy

Get Time Back

Built for location-based hiring, our time saving automations and features help your managers spend more time on daily operations and less time focusing on hiring.

Employee Self Service

Reduce No-Shows

Our integrated interview scheduling features are part of an outstanding applicant experience that quickly lets them know you’re interested in them — decreasing no-shows and time-to-hire.

You’ve captured candidates’ attention, now what?

TalentReef has your entire recruit to retain process covered in one easy-to-use platform. Learn more about our advanced recruiting features.

A quick and efficient hiring process makes applicants feel important while saving you time and money. Read some of our customer success stories below.


Hire Faster with TalentReef’s Chat Apply and Automated Interview Scheduling

Hire Faster with TalentReef’s Chat Apply and Automated Interview Scheduling

Get to Know the New TalentReef

Get to Know the New TalentReef

Infographic: 5 Keys to Frictionless Engagement When Hiring Hourly Workers

Infographic: 5 Keys to Frictionless Engagement When Hiring Hourly Workers

Ready to see how you can enable hiring managers and recruiters to make quick, informed decisions throughout the hiring process?

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